Parameters and Options Module

Parameters and Options Module

Parameters and Options Module

This module houses classes for the macro_model’s parameters and options attributes.

class PyMacroFin.parameters.options

This simple container class houses configurable model options. See the notes below the attribute definitions for more detailed descriptions of the loops referenced in the attribute descriptions.


  1. The HJB update loop, or dynamic loop, is the iteration involving the PDE system. The HJB or dynamic loop iterates backward in time using the equation found on this page and a monotone finite difference scheme.
  2. The inner static loop is the first level of iteration in solving the endogenous system of equations. The inner static loop is run separately for each grid point, solving for the endogenous equations to equal zero. The outer static loop calculates derivatives across the grid using a monotone finite difference scheme after all grid points have completed the inner static loop. This outer static loop continues, running the inner static loop and derivative re-calculation, until the endogenous system of equations is solved at all grid points with consistency with derivatives between grid points.
loop: bool

Whether or not to enable the second loop stage of the outer loop. If True, after the minimum number of iterations and the tolerance is satisfied on the outer loop, a second loop stage is activated. If enabled, this allows for two stages with varying levels of error tolerance. Defaults to False.

min_iter_inner_static: int

Minimum iterations for the inner static loop. Defaults to 2.

max_iter_inner_static: int

Maximum iterations for the inner static loop. Defaults to 10,000.

tol_inner_static: numeric

Error tolerance for the inner static loop. Defaults to 1.0e-6.

min_iter_outer_static: int

Minimum iterations for the outer static loop. Defaults to 2.

max_iter_outer_static: int

Maximum iterations for the outer static loop. Defaults to 100.

tol_outer_static: numeric

Error tolerance for outer static loop. Defaults to 1.0e-4

damp1: numeric

Initial dampening factor for the static loop. Defaults to 0.1.

damp1_adjustment: numeric

Dampening adjustment factor. This number should be between zero and one. The dampening factor is multiplied by this adjustment each loop to speed up convergence. Defaults to 1.

min_damp1: numeric

Minimum dampening factor. Defaults to 0.

damp2: numeric

Initial dampening factor for the static loop (second stage). Defaults to 0.1.

damp2_adjustment: numeric

Dampening adjustment factor (second stage). This number should be between zero and one. The dampening factor is multiplied by this adjustment each loop to speed up convergence. Defaults to 1.

min_damp2: numeric

Minimum dampening factor for the second stage. Defaults to 0.

min_hjb1: int

Minimum iterations for the outer HJB update loop (dynamic loop). Defaults to 100.

min_hjb2: int

Minimum iterations for the outer HJB update loop (second stage). Defaults to 10.

max_hjb: int

Maximum iterations for the outer HJB update loop (dynamic loop). Defaults to 10000.

tol_hjb: numeric

Error tolerance for the outer HJB update loop (dynamic loop). Defaults to 0.01.

dt: numeric

Time step for the HJB update loop (dynamic loop). Defaults to 0.1.

dt2: numeric

Time step for the HJB update loop (second stage). Defaults to 0.1.

tol_d: numeric

Error tolerance for the stencil decomposition algorithm. Defaults to 1.0e-4.

max_p: int

Maximum stencil size for decomposition algorithm.

n0: int

Number of points to use in the finite difference grid in the dimension associated with the first element of the model state attribute. Defaults to 50.

n1: int

Number of points to use in the finite difference grid in the dimension associated with the second element of the model state attribute. Defaults to 50.

start0: numeric

First point use in the finite difference grid in the dimension associated with the first element of the model state attribute. Defaults to 0.01.

start1: numeric

First point use in the finite difference grid in the dimension associated with the second element of the model state attribute. Defaults to 0.01.

end0: numeric

Last point use in the finite difference grid in the dimension associated with the first element of the model state attribute. Defaults to 0.99.

end1: numeric

Last point use in the finite difference grid in the dimension associated with the second element of the model state attribute. Defaults to 0.99.

quiet: bool

Whether or not to suppress update output. Defaults to False.

import_guess: bool

Whether or not to import an initial guess to work from. Defaults to False.

guess_function: False or function

Possibility to provide a function to calculate initial guesses from state variable values. If not False, initial guesses for endogenous and value variables will be calculated from the provided function. The function should return a vector in the order of endogenous variables first, then value variables, such that the length of the vector returned by the function should be equal to the lengths of macro_model.endog and macro_model.value summed. The function provided should accept two arguments, corresponding to the two state variables in macro_model.state. Defaults to False

import_guess_location: str

File path to the csv file where the guess file is located. Defaults to None and is not used unnless import_guess is set to True. The guess file should be a comma-separated values file with columns labeled and completed for all value, state, and endogenous variables. Note that the grid specified by options start0, start1, end0, end1, n0, above and n1 must be consistent with the grid implied by the guess file. It is useful to run a simple dummy model without a guess file with the same grid specification, then modify the file saved down by the dummy model without changing the ordering or specification of state variables to create a guess file.

inner_plot: bool

Whether or not to plot after each outer static loop iteration. Defaults to False.

outer_plot: bool

Whether or not to plot after each HJB loop iteration. Defaults to False.

final_plot: bool

Whether to plot after convergence. Defaults to True.

derivative_plotting: list(tuple(str))

List of tuples to indicate derivatives to be plotted in addition to endogenous variables and selected secondary variables. Tuples should be of the same form as the input to equations. For example, for the second derivative of a price q to state variable x will have the tuple ('q','x','x').

parallel: bool

Whether or not to run the static loop in parallel. Defaults to True.

client: str

Must either be 'local' or 'user-provided'. When set to 'local', PyMacroFin will create a dask client that will parallelize locally on your machine. If set to 'user-provided', PyMacroFin will assume there is a dask client already running that the user has defined outside of PyMacroFin, and an error will be thrown if a client is not found. This option is useful when the user would like to define a cluster specific to a high-performance computing environment or a cloud computing service; however, using this option requires familiarity with dask and your computing environment architectural details. Defaults to 'local'.

dask_timeout: int

Number of seconds for the dask scheduler to wait for workers before timing out. Defaults to 100 seconds. Only used if parallelization is used.

dash_debug: bool

Whether or not to run the visualization Dash application in debug mode. Defaults to False.

dash_port: int

Local port on which to run the Dash visualization application. Defaults to 8050.

dash_port_stationary: int

Local port on which to run a second Dash visualization application for calculation of a stationary distribution. Defaults to 8000.

ignore_HJB_loop: bool

An option to ignore the HJB loop and return after running one iteration of the outer static loop. This is suitable for problems that do not require iteration through the dynamic HJB loop. Defaults to False.

inner_solver: str

Solver to use for the inner static loop. Defaults to 'newton-raphson'. Other options include 'least_squares' and 'fsolve'. 'fsolve' is currently in alpha stages and is unstable.

suppress_warnings: bool

Option to suppress warnings associated with solving the endogenous equations. These warnings are typically harmless and occur due to functions compiled by SymPy. Defaults to True. It is only recommended to set this option to False if you are debugging issues in the endogenous equations and want to see output of exact equations being solved.

return_solution: bool

Whether or not to return the solution in the form of a Pandas DataFrame from the method. Defaults to False.

save_solution: bool

Whether or not to save the solution down to a file after convergence. Defaults to True.

price_derivative_method: str

Price derivative method. Options include 'central', 'forward', and 'backward'. Defaults to 'central'.


set_defaults() Reset all options to default values.

Reset all options to default values.



  1. See the documentation for the class for descriptions of options as well as their default values.
class PyMacroFin.parameters.parameters

A simple container class for model parameters.


add_parameter(name, value) Add a constant parameter to be used in model equations.
add_parameter(name, value)

Add a constant parameter to be used in model equations.

name: str

The name of the parameter.

value: numeric

The numeric value assigned to the parameter.


  1. It is typically useful to define all parameters prior to defining equations so that parameters can be used in equations.